Work Item
ASTM WK70498

New Specification for Specification for Ceiling and Wall Suspended Basketball Backstops

1. Scope

Specification to set standards for suspended basketball backstop structures that are used in institutions like schools, churches, public and private health clubs, recreation centers and similar facilities. Standards to include for fall arrest system, system to prevent broken folding braces from falling to floor, positive stop system to prevent sliding clamps and fixtures, welding standards, strength requirements for attachment clamps and hardware, and other requirements determined by sub-committee


backstop; hoop; goal


currently no such standard to guide architects or facility owners when deciding what to install in facilities

The title and scope are in draft form and are under development within this ASTM Committee.


Developed by Subcommittee: F08.69

Committee: F08

Staff Manager: Joe Koury

Work Item Status

Date Initiated: 11-06-2019

Technical Contact: Wayne Vanbenschoten

Item: 000

