Work Item
ASTM WK70516

New Practice for Special Requirements for Rail Guided Mountain Attractions

1. Scope

1.Scope This practice establishes criteria for the Design, Manufacture, Installation, Operation, Maintenance, Auditing and Major Modification of patron directed, gravity driven descent, rail guided mountain attraction. (for example, Mountain Coasters, Alpine Coasters) 1.1. Not including a. Alpine Slide b. Zip Coaster c. Powered Coaster


patron directed, gravity driven descent, rail guided mountain attraction


F2291-18 1.2 This practice shall not apply to: 1.2.1 Patron directed amusement rides or devices (for example, go karts, bumper cars, bumper boats),

The title and scope are in draft form and are under development within this ASTM Committee.


Developed by Subcommittee: F24.61

Committee: F24

Staff Manager: Katerina Koperna

Work Item Status

Date Initiated: 11-07-2019

Technical Contact: Jessica Wedel

Item: 000

