Work Item
ASTM WK71880

Revision of A781/A781M-18c Standard Specification for Castings, Steel and Alloy, Common Requirements, for General Industrial Use


Ballot 1: Add a note to Terminology: A941 controlling cross section thickness (Tc) was added for forgings and shall not apply to castings, which provide complex shapes including internal geometry (rationale is both the challenge in determining a Tc for casting and who shall be responsible for it; also casting standards already use casting ruling section T). Ballot 2: Change CGMMN to CG6MMnN to be consistent with alloy designations (X1). Ballot 3: Update mechanical testing: a. For consistency and conciseness, revise mechanical testing and charpy testing.


Developed by Subcommittee: A01.18

Committee: A01

Staff Manager: W Scott Orthey

Work Item Status

Date Initiated: 02-10-2020

Technical Contact: David Poweleit

Item: 000

